September 15, 2021
Con el advenimiento del Bicentenario de Independencia de la República, aprovechemos este fin de semana para reflexionar sobre nuestra historia y nuestro presente.
En Costa Rica gozamos de paz, libertad y estabilidad desde hace más de 70 años, posterior a la guerra civil que culminó con la abolición del ejército. Lamentablemente, somos una excepción entre naciones que viven en conflicto constante, ya sean turbulencias internas o tensiones internacionales con diálogos de conciliación fallidos.
No perdamos de vista el privilegio de vida libre e independiente.
No esperemos a perder para apreciar.
Naciones vecinas claman por derechos como los nuestros – seamos agradecidos y compartamos cuando podamos.
En estas fiestas patrias no olvidemos que el tiempo de festejar vendrá después de las crisis económica, sanitaria y ambiental que atravesamos todos los países sin distinción. El virus y el cambio climático no conocen fronteras ni clase socioeconómica; nos afecta a todos por igual.
Como se ha vuelto costumbre, les pedimos reforzar las medidas sanitarias este fin de semana largo y los días por venir. La variante Delta ha venido a colapsar el sistema de salud nuevamente. Libertades en este momento nos sobran comparadas con las pequeñas restricciones y sacrificios que debemos mantener durante la pandemia.
La vacuna NO EVITA CONTAGIOS, reduce muertes, hospitalizaciones y síntomas.
Una dosis de las vacunas aplicadas en el país NO SIGNIFICA ESTAR VACUNADO. Es todo o nada. Presente o Ausente.
Los contagios se reducen con distanciamiento social, buena ventilación y medidas de higiene como lavado de manos y desinfección constante.
Estamos en libertad de tomar decisiones – individuales y colectivas – para salir adelante como personas, empresa y país.
Aprovechemos esa libertad.
Feliz Bicentenario de Independencia
Ing. Luis D Gene | Consultor de Negocios
August 31, 2021
Esteban Dodero Rojas, Rice doctoral student in SSPB, was lead author of a COVID-19 research article, featured in Rice News. Click here for more information.
February 22, 2020
Michelle Duran, Rice doctoral student in Chemistry, had a chance to meet Dr. Franklin Chang at the Owls in Space Symposium by SEDS Rice. She said she had an amazing time, and she is grateful for the many opportunities like this that she gets to experience at Rice. Dr. Chang is also an Adjunct Rice Faculty member in Physics & Astronomy.
January 27, 2020
Rice welcomes the Costa Rica women’s soccer team for an exhibition match. Herbert Espinoza, Consul General of Costa Rica in Houston, was recognized on the field before the match. Click here for the Rice News article.
January 16, 2020
MATH + X Symposium on inverse problems and deep learning, mitigating natural hazards in Las Catalinas, Guanacaste, Costa Rica in January 2020. Click here for more information.
March 3-6, 2019
University of Costa Rica Rector, Henning Jensen Pennington, and several professors visited Rice University strengthening the relationship between institutions. Click here to read a full note on the visit.
February 13, 2019
Students from The University of Costa Rica are recognized for their participation in the Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium (GCURS) at Rice University. Click here to read the UCR news article.
November 28, 2018
Dr. Adria Baker, Associate Vice Provost for International Education at Rice University, met with Dr. Henning Jensen Pennington, Universidad de Costa Rica Rector, and Ms. Leonora de Lemos Medina, Director of International Affairs and External Cooperation.
October 4, 2018
Eight students from The University of Costa Rica (UCR) visit Rice University to participate in the 2018 Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium (GCURS). Click here to read the UCR news article.
April 22, 2018
Neethi Nayak’s Alumni Spotlight article on Sustainable Certification in Costa Rica was published in the Rice Journal of Public Policy. Click here to view the issue.
August 11, 2017
Carlos Jimenez, a Professor from the School of Architecture, gave a lecture at the Tecnológico de Costa Rica (TEC ). Click here for more information.
May 26, 2017
La Nación published an article about Hugo Valverde Villalobos who was selected to join the Metropolitan Opera House in New York. Click here to read the original article.
April 6, 2017
Universidad Latina de Costa Rica published an article about Luis Diego Gene Antillon’s experience in the GMI program. Click here to read the original article.
November 10, 2016
Rice signs MOU with Costa Rica
“To promote research collaborations and faculty and student exchanges, Rice University signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) Nov. 7 with the Costa Rica Ministry of Science, Technology and Telecommunications.”
November 8, 2016
Please join the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering with Dr. Jaime Quesada, Professor of Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, for a Specialty Seminar : Opening our Own Gate to Hydrothermal Carbonization Technology in Costa Rica, as an Option to Manage Wastewaters with High Biomass Contents and Waste Biomass with High Water Contents in the Humid Tropics on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 2:00 PM- Keck 102. Please see the flyer for details.
October 5, 2016
September 15, 2016
Meet and Greet to Celebrate Costa Rican Independence Day!
Costa Rican faculty and students got together today to celebrate Costa Rican Independence Day!
From Left to Right: Hugo Valverde(Graduate Student, Fall 2016), Dean Seiichi Matsuda, Pamela Fallas(Visiting Research Student, Fall 2016), Dr. Andrea Ballestero and Jorge Andrés Lizano Pereira (Visiting Student, Fall 2016).
From Left To Right: Jorge Andrés Lizano Pereira (Visiting Student, Fall 2016), Hugo Valverde, (Graduate Student, Fall 2016), Luis Diego Gene Antillon (Graduate Student, Fall 2016), Professor Anthony Várilly-Alvarado, Dean Seiichi Matsuda, and Pamela Fallas (Visiting Research Student, Fall 2016).
July 20, 2016
GMI In the News
An article about the Rice/Costa Rican MedTech course was featured on the July 20th, 2016 issue of La Nacion , one of Costa Rica’s main newspapers.
Universitarios idean prototipos de dispositivos medicos: Proponen posibles tratamientos a males del corazón y de riñones, entre otros (English translation is not yet available, and website registration is required after first-time view.)
More to come, stay tuned!